Let’s talk about Justin Bieber, shall we?


Over the course of the past few days, I’ve had Bieber on the brain…


…so I’d like to talk to y’all about him & his comeback!

Justin, Justin, JUSTIN! Bieber is back with a vengeance and he’s being noticed by the entire music industry! He’s not Taylor Swift-famous, although nobody else really is at this point, but he’s making waves nonetheless.

I’m sorry guys for another few days in between blog posts!! I’ve just honestly been busy getting back on the horse…the healthy one that is…so that I can continue to lose weight and feel great. Little did I know that proper sleep, meal prep, and weaning myself off coffee little by little would be part of it! HAHA 😀 September 1st was meant to be the grand transition, but it didn’t feel right since I had nothing prepared and ready to go. I started yesterday (Sept 2nd) officially so I’m rolling into a new schedule here, so thanks for bearing with me!

Anywho! Justin Bieber has been hyping up the release of his new single “What Do You Mean?” for 30 days with an impressive Instagram campaign with his closest and most famous friends…

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Luke Bryan, Ellen, & Britney Spears to name a few!

Bieber had the crew all rooting for him and last Friday, the single was released and much to nobody’s surprise…I love it! It’s a very simple song, but it has Biebz back in his Jack Ü vibe from his last song to hit airwaves “Where Are Ãœ Now” featuring the DJ team Skrillex & Diplo (known at Jack Ü).

Both songs are simple, yet elegant. I love the new, chill vibe that Justin has for us and hint hint…all his fans do too! I’m even alleging that the Biebz has made more fans due to his chill pill music! It’s gotta be true!

And let’s not forget the songs from the very beginning of JB’s cool-down…

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“Hard 2 Face Reality” feat. Poo Bear & “Home To Mama” w/Cody Simpson!

These songs to me are spectacular because they showcase that at the end of the day, Justin Bieber is a songwriter and sometimes all the haters forget that!

The latest news to hit Biebertown is that JB cried at the VMAs after he performed for the first time on the show in 5 years! He performed a medley of “Where Are Ãœ Now” and his latest jam “What Do You Mean?”.

Check out that epic performance here:


I really do think that he’s being sincere and it’s not for the ratings! He’s a sensitive guy and he was really overcome by the love and support he’s had during his comeback. I’m sure the road has been exciting for him as all these high profile celebrities are trying to convince us all to stop picking on him! I like where this is going! HAHA 😀

I’m really excited for Justin’s new album and he has just confirmed to Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show that it will be coming out on November 13th!!!

Bieber is back & I’m happy to see him reach his full potential!


Justin Bieber confirms new album & tour!


The last Bieber update you heard from me about no new music for a while…


…has just been negated as Justin confirmed 2015 will be his comeback year!

I heard little rumblings from the Biebs’ manager Scooter Braun last week, but I brushed it off because I wanted to hear something more official. When JB is back to making a brand new album, I want to be sure of it 😀

Well I’m sure now that he’s back at it again and I couldn’t be happier! It’s been a long while since a full length album has come from Justin, dating back to “Journals” which was released as a compilation of his “Music Monday” songs.


Circa: December 2013

This confirmation has come from his most recent interview in V Magazine where he said…and I quote: “I’m going to start working on a new album and a tour for 2015. I took the last year off, and I’m excited to get back to work.”

That quote was him in conversation with his pal and head designer of Chanel, Karl Lagerfeld! I think it’s great that Bieber still has a lot of supporters…even celebrities…because he really is a talented young man. I say that with no bias HAHA Trust me!! Listen to Journals and the acoustic version of “She Don’t Like The Lights” and you’ll understand 🙂


I’m going to just call “Journals” a full album even though there wasn’t a tour to support it. I really wish there were, but I’m still happy for Justin to have time off for himself after what a busy career he’s had! 15 songs?! Yeah…that’s an album!

Bieber’s hardcore fans AKA “Beliebers” are probably freaking out just as I am! If 2015 couldn’t get better already, you’re telling me that I’ll have a new Justin Bieber album in my hands soon and the chance to see him LIVE on tour again? I think I’m going to faint. I just love that kid and I can’t help it!



Justin went on to tell his buddy Karl in V Magazine: “I still have so many personal and professional goals I want to achieve. I want to keep creating music for my fans. One day I hope to make strides into movies and fashion as well. I want to share my creativity with the world.”

Sounds like quite the plan to me! I love when an artist dabbles in fashion and movies too! It’s great for your talent to be multi-faceted 🙂

I’m excited out of my mind for a new Bieber album and a concert tour! My goodness! All I can think is: “I wonder how many cities I can make it to this year!” HAHA Going to 1 of the shows is not gonna cut it, unless I go for a meet in greet in Nashville. Then that will cut it without a doubt!!!

Thank you JB for getting back to music! I can’t wait to see you back on the charts!!!

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Don’t hold your breath for a new Justin Bieber album!


Unfortunately, for a hardcore Belieber like me, I must tell you that…


…Justin Bieber is not going to put out a new album for awhile!

This news is sad and I’ll tell you why: a new album means he won’t be on tour for a long time! 😦

Justin’s last album was actually a compilation of 10 weeks of “Music Mondays” that he titled “Journals”. I loved when the weeks started with a new Bieber song! HAHA That was such a great idea and “Journals” is one heck of an album! It made me proud of Justin!


Unfortunately there was no tour for “Journals” so basically the last chance I had to see Justin on tour was a little over a year ago! 😦 It’s sad that it’s been that long since I’ve seen him!!

The good news about this little hiatus from full Bieber albums is that Justin is getting to travel the world and have new experiences. I’m trying to look at the bright side hahaha And he’s always in and out of recording studios so there’s hope for some kind of new music in 2015!

Justin doesn’t want to go on tour right now and that’s the reason why a new album is not going to be released soon. I can understand him being burnt out, so I’ll let this one fly 🙂

Now that I’ve gotten through the sadness, I have so much gladness to tell you that Justin Bieber has just released a song with his buddy & fellow teen heartthrob: Cody Simpson!

The song is awesome and is called “Home To Mama”! HAHA It’s basically an adorable song about taking a girl home to Mama! Let’s be real…it’s long overdue!

Listen to “Home To Mama” here:


To be honest with you my fellow Beliebers, you need to follow Justin on SoundCloud to get new music! He’s constantly teasing new tracks on there! (soundcloud.com/justinbiebermusic).

I’m on the lookout for Bieber’s new music & tour dates! Who’s with me?

Justin Bieber